Answered By: Sarah Damery
Last Updated: Jul 18, 2022     Views: 453

Interlibrary Loan is provided for current Butler University students, faculty, emeritus faculty and staff to obtain materials NOT owned by Butler University Libraries from other libraries or commercial document suppliers in the continental United States. 

Before you submit an Interlibrary Loan request, you must:

  • Check our catalog, Worldcat Discovery for the book or journal title.
  • For articles, check Journals A-Z to see if the article is already available full text.


To use ILL, login into your My Library Account on WorldCat Discovery. From there go to the Requests tab to request materials, check the status of your materials, and renew materials. 

It is recommended that you request ILL directly from an electronic database (World Cat, EBSCO, etc.) whenever possible using the Find Full Text button. This limits mistakes made in entering information into the request, and it ensures you get your requested material in a timely fashion. Use the Find It! button whenever available. The most helpful information to include on your request is the PubMed ID or DOI for articles.

For more information, visit our Interlibrary Loan page, which also includes information on PALShare, or contact 

Irwin Library: Sarah Damery, ext. 9677, or