Answered By: Amanda Starkel Last Updated: Feb 09, 2022 Views: 714
Butler University Libraries contain various locations and collections. They will appear in front of the call numbers in the WorldCat Discovery record. It is important to pay attention to these locations, to make sure you are looking in the right place. Here are just a few:
- Butler Irwin Library
- Butler Science Library
- Butler Irwin Library Reference (also known as Information Commons Room Reference)
- Butler Science Library Reference
- Butler Irwin Library / Music - Fine Arts Reference
- Butler Irwin Library / Media Collection (Circ. Desk)
- Butler Science Library / Periodicals
- Butler Science Library (or Butler Irwin Library)/ Browsing Collection
- Butler Irwin Library/ Special Collections
The "Map It" function in Worldcat at provides a helpful visual. The StackMap system generates a link to a floor map coded with the shelf where the item should be located. Irwin or Science Library locations are for the general book stacks that are located in the Science Library (Holcomb 200) and the 2nd floor and basement of Irwin Library. Browsing Collections are on the main floor. The Curriculum Resource Center is in the College of Education South Campus, 4250 Haughey Ave.
Reference print collections are on the main floors of Irwin and the Science libraries, and Irwin DVDs are behind the Circulation Desk with just the empty cases on the shelves in the basement. Special Collections is on the 3rd floor of Irwin Library. Items that faculty have designated as Reserve items, shared by a class, are held behind the circulation desk with designated shorter checkout periods.
Watch for the signs by the stairs of the Irwin Library, and the signs with the call numbers for the row on the end of each book stack.
If you still are unsure how to find a Butler Libraries book, please visit the Information Commons desk to ask for help, or call the desk at 317-940-9227.
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