Answered By: Amanda Starkel Last Updated: Jan 13, 2022 Views: 247
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Print Reserves are materials physically present at the library and set aside for class use. Because an entire class will need to use them, professors put materials on reserve to limit how long they can be checked out. Four-hour reserves are not permitted to leave the library.
To see if an item is on Reserve, you can check within WorldCat Discovery:
- Visit the Course Reserve Search within WorldCat Discovery.
- Search by course name, instructor name, or department.
- Click on the title of the course to view all items placed on reserve. Click again on the title of the reserve item to view its library location and current availability status.
To check out an item on Print Reserve, visit the desk at Irwin Library or the Science Library to obtain the reserve item. It will check out for a much shorter period than regular books; some items will only loan for 4-hours and cannot leave the library building. Be sure to return items promptly; others need them. Late fees can be billed for tardy items.
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