A turntable is available on a first come, first served basis. It is located in the basement of Irwin (head down the main stairwell into the basement and it will be off to your left near a pillar, close to the LPs).
How to Operate:
- Place record on spindle, select 33 or 45 rpm on speed button
- For listening place headphone into headphone jack
- Press start button
- When finished press Stop
If you intend to record, please use these additional steps:
- Open Audacity
- Select "Click to start monitoring" to listen to the recorded track
- Press Start
- Hit Record
- Select Stop when record has finished playing
- To export click "File" -> "Export Audio"
- Select file type and save
Troubleshooting tips:
- Ensure input is set to "USB Codec".
- Go to "Edit > Preferences > Recording", ensure "playthrough" is checked.