Answered By: Amanda Starkel
Last Updated: Sep 08, 2022     Views: 355

​All library users should follow current Butler University and library protocols. 

Reserves are materials that your professor has set aside for students at the Circulation Desk. Typically these items can be checked out only for a short period of time (e.g., 4 hours ) and must stay within the library when using the book/DVD/Reference. This gives all the students in the class sufficient time to use the material without anyone keeping it for weeks.

The Reference Collection does not circulate, so the items may not be checked out. They are usually books that people use to look up answers to questions or that have short articles that can be read in one sitting (e.g, encyclopedias, yearbooks...etc). The Reference Collection in Irwin Library is located on the main floor in the tech quad where the printers are located. The Music Reference section is located in the Music quad in the basement. In the Science Library the Reference Section is located near the Circulation Desk.