According to the "Academic Regulations and Definitions" section of the Butler University Bulletin, the University uses the following scale:
Grading system
Each student is expected to attend all class meetings in which he or she is enrolled. Being absent from class may therefore affect the final grade assigned for the course. Butler is on a 4.00 grading system.When a student completes a course, one of the following grades with the corresponding grade points will be assigned:
A 4.00 grade points
A- 3.67 grade points
B+ 3.33 grade points
B 3.00 grade points
B- 2.67 grade points
C+ 2.33 grade points
C 2.00 grade points
C- 1.67 grade points
D+ 1.33 grade points
D 1.00 grade points
D- 0.67 grade points
F 0.00 grade points
Withdrawals, passing grades in the pass/fail option, non-credit classes, and classes assigned as incomplete or unredeemed incomplete do not affect the grade point average.
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