Answered By: Franny Gaede Last Updated: Jun 16, 2022 Views: 312
We would advise against using Netflix streaming or DVDs in class. The library Copyright LibGuide includes sections about classroom, online, basics, fair use, and permissions.
Currently Netflix does not allow for the public classroom display of their streaming videos. Please see Netflix Terms of Service for more information.
"Unless otherwise specified, our DVD rental service and the content on the Netflix website, including content viewed through our instant watching functionality, are for your personal and non-commercial use only and we grant you a limited license to access the Netflix website for that purpose. You may not download (other than through page caching necessary for personal use, or as otherwise expressly permitted by these Terms of Use), modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, duplicate, publish, license, create derivative works from, or offer for sale any information contained on, or obtained from, the Netflix website, including but not limited to information contained within a member or members' Queue, without our express written consent."
Most likely this question has more to do with contracts. If you do decide to use Netflix in the classroom, it is highly suggested you to contact Netflix and get the permission to do so in writing.
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