Q. How should I link to online library resources in my course materials?
When sharing links to online library resources with students, here are some tips to remember:
If linking directly to a database, make sure to use the link from the library's Databases A-Z page, or from your subject or course's Research Guide (LibGuide). You can also simply direct students to go to one of these pages and choose the relevant database. Links to library databases sometimes change unexpectedly, so directing students to the library database list will mean less time updating links on your end, when they inevitably change. See the "How do I use databases from off campus?" FAQ for more information.
If linking to a specific item where access is provided through the library (e.g. an article within a journal, item within a database, ebook, or streaming video), and the platform does not already provide a permalink or URL share option, use the OpenAthens Link Generator to make sure that students are able to access these items off campus. When you drop a library resource link into the generator, you’ll get an updated OpenAthens link that will make sure students are recognized as Butler users when trying to access library resources off campus. See the "How do I update my links to use OpenAthens?" FAQ for more information.
You can also link to a specific item's record in WorldCat Discovery (library catalog) instead of providing a direct link - that way, we do the work of keeping those links up to date. To get the link to an item's record, click on the "Share" button in the top right, and then choose "Copy link".
For any questions or issues with choosing or creating links, please contact Charlotte Peterson at cpeterson1@butler.edu.