Answered By: Amanda Starkel
Last Updated: Jun 15, 2022     Views: 281

When searching for an item in WorldCat Discovery, you are able to tell if Butler library owns a physical or electronic copy of an item.

Just from looking at the search results, you will be able to see if Butler owns a resource.  The result will look different depending if the resource is a physical or electronic book.

Physical Book:

Electronic Book:

 If the book is not owned by Butler Libraries:

If the book is not owned by Butler Libraries, you normally will have an option to request the item from another library via one of our interlibrary loan methods described below.

Place Hold for PALNI borrowingIf the item is owned by our partner libraries in Indiana (the PALNI consortium), the first option you will see is to Place Hold and borrow from them. 

Request Item ILL buttonIf the item is not owned by a PALNI school, you can select the traditional interlibrary loan method via the Request Item button.


Find more information about InterLibrary Loan and PALshare at