Yes, the library does have a collection of monologues.
If you would like to browse our print collection, the call number PN2080 is a good place to start. This is located on the second floor of Irwin Library.
If you are looking for something specific, we suggest you search by title or author in WorldCat Discovery before heading to the shelves. (It's easy to type in your search term at and narrow the results to Butler University Libraries and select the format you are seeking, or to expand the search to PALNI or libraries worldwide.) Such searches will let you know whether we own the item and whether it's available or currently checked out. If the items is available, it will provide you with the library, collection, and call number and map (with the "map it" function) to locate the item on the shelves. You can always ask at the Information Commons desk for assistance with searching or finding the physical item.
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